Home Workouts

If you are able to go outside, consider walking or gardening (keeping the recommended 2 metres from others as outlined in the social distancing guidance). If you are staying at home, you can find free easy 10 minute work outs from Public Health England or other exercise videos to try at home on the NHS Fitness Studio. In addition, the World Health Organisation has produced some useful tips here for getting active at home and reducing time being spent sedentary. Why not try one of our Sportspark’s at home worksouts via – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7a-L9q-nhyhn5P3XX8o4bw - these workouts are aimed for all abilities, know matter your experience. Sport England have also put together some great resources and links to websites/apps that will help you to stay healthy whilst at home: https://www.sportengland.org/news/how-stay-active-while-youre-home - these workouts are aimed for all abilities, no matter your experience. You can also access 95 free home workouts from Les Mills on Demand (LMOD) digital fitness platform for free here - these workouts are more intense, require experience and may require equipment.

Home Workouts

If you are able to go outside, consider walking or gardening (keeping the recommended 2 metres from others as outlined in the social distancing guidance). If you are staying at home, you can find free easy 10 minute work outs from Public Health England or other exercise videos to try at home on the NHS Fitness Studio. In addition, the World Health Organisation has produced some useful tips here for getting active at home and reducing time being spent sedentary. Why not try one of our Sportspark’s at home worksouts via – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7a-L9q-nhyhn5P3XX8o4bw - these workouts are aimed for all abilities, know matter your experience. Sport England have also put together some great resources and links to websites/apps that will help you to stay healthy whilst at home: https://www.sportengland.org/news/how-stay-active-while-youre-home - these workouts are aimed for all abilities, no matter your experience. You can also access 95 free home workouts from Les Mills on Demand (LMOD) digital fitness platform for free here - these workouts are more intense, require experience and may require equipment.

Home Workout Videos

If you are missing completing workouts, why not try our UEA+Sport workouts from our S&C coach James Warren?

We will be regularly posting new workout videos from James throughout the lock down, so make sure you keep posted to this page and our social media channels for updates! While you are completing the workouts, we would love to see pictures and videos of you doing them, so please tag us in your posts via social media.

Ab Blast 1

Tabata 1

Tabata 2

Tabata 3

Tabata 4

Tabata 5

Pyramid 1

Pyramid 2

Pyramid 3

Pyramid 4

All Sports Home Power Workout

Boot Camp

No planks abs based workout

Swissball workout

Cardio – Sweat it out

Knee strength for running

Total workout

Hip strength for running

Toilet Roll Core

Whole body conditioning

Legs & Abs

Sofa Stretches

Gamers hand stretches