Reduce the energy consumption of your PC or Mac

Did you know, leaving a computer on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double-decker bus?

Reduce the energy consumption of your PC or Mac

Did you know, leaving a computer on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double-decker bus?

Using some or all of the following steps will help reduce how much power you are using, which keeps electricity bills down and is better for the environment:
·       Dim your display – Macs are easy to do this with on using the keyboard buttons, if you are using a monitor you may have to do this manually on the monitor itself.  If not either of those, you will be able to search this in settings.
·       Turn keyboard backlights off – they’re normally only useful if you are typing in the dark!
·       Quit any applications you are not using – your PC/Mac will use a lot more energy if it is having to do a lot of multi-tasking
·       Keep your software up to date – new updates normally comes with more efficient software