Felicity Eardley

Meet Felicity Eardley who is an Undergraduate Pharmacy Student and is also the president of the Wine and Cheese Society.

Felicity Eardley

Meet Felicity Eardley who is an Undergraduate Pharmacy Student and is also the president of the Wine and Cheese Society.

What do you like about moves?

I love that moves gives you an incentive via challenges and rewards to get active. The prizes on the app are great and has everything from charity rewards to hot drinks and raffle draws.

Has Moves improved your physical activity levels and how?

Moves helped me to be more active and push myself to meet the challenges set on the app and of course the rewards at the end are a great incentive to earn more points! It has also helped me to become more aware and track my activity levels from day to day, pushing me to go for a walk and get out more.

What do you like to do physical activity-wise?

Especially over lockdown, the moves app has got me out walking more, exploring the surrounding villages and UEA Campus with challenges such as the 224,000 step challenges I am attempting at the moment. Walking has been amazing over lockdown for both my mental health and physical health.

What are your top tips for being physically active?

In such a challenging time as it is, keeping physically active is super important. My top tips would be to try and get out every day even if it is a small walk and try to minimise your use of transport, switching your 5 minute car journey to a 15 minute walk to the shops can be a great way to incorporate more physical activity into your day-to-day life.

What rewards have you enjoyed claiming?

I have had the privilege of using my points to buy healthy snacks at the SU shop and to enter a raffle which I have since won! The prizes on the app are great and accommodate everyone.