Lockdown 2.0 Offer

Stay focused on your goals with our uea+sport Lockdown 2.0 offer! We have something from everyone during this period, from home works, workshops, social media challenges and raising money for Movember we want to help our uea+sport family stay active through lockdown 2.0!

Lockdown 2.0 Offer

Stay focused on your goals with our uea+sport Lockdown 2.0 offer! We have something from everyone during this period, from home works, workshops, social media challenges and raising money for Movember we want to help our uea+sport family stay active through lockdown 2.0!

Free Equipment Bags

We are offering one free physical activity equipment bag per flat* on our UEA campus. We have two bags to select from, either a ‘Fitness Bag’ or a ‘Sports Bag,’ discuss with your flatmates which one you would prefer and complete the application form for the ability to either in your flat or around campus using the green spaces!

*We have a limited number of bags so this is on a first come first serve basis.

Fitness Bag Contains – x2 exercise mats, skipping rope, x2 resistance bands, ab wheel, speed ladder and x6 agility hurdles or x10 cones.

Sport Bag Contains – A pop-up badminton/volleyball net, multi-use ball, x2 badminton rackets and x2 shuttles, a frisbee.

Self-Isolation Free Equipment Hire

We have a range of equipment which flats on campus who are self-isolating can hire for no cost from our equipment hub.

For more information on this service and to select equipment to hire from our hub if your flat is self-isolating please access here.

Outdoor Sport Bubbles

uea+sport are opening up outdoor facilities at Sportspark to enable single households living on campus to workout together. The facilities must be booked prior to a session and all guidance provided with your booking must be followed. Single households can bring their own equipment to use on the following facilities:

Astro Pitches
Tennis/Netball Courts
Athletics Track

To access more information regarding this service and booking slots please visit here

Lockdown Art Challenge

Here at uea+sport have found a new and exciting way for you to get outside and get exercising with a different challenge theme released each Monday on our Instagram and updated below!

Anyone can get involved, so get active, get creative and you might win a prize!

How it works:

#1 – A new theme will be released at the start of each week, starting on Monday 9th November.

#2 – Use any physical activity app with GPS to track your activity and create the design of the weeks challenge, which you can then save.

#3 – Enter by emailing your submission to studentsport@uea.ac.uk. The deadline each week is Sunday at 5pm.

#4 – The top 3 artworks for each week will receive a free personal training session – in person when safe to do so or virtually!

Challenge Week 1- SPORT

Get outside and create some artwork related to sport, you could even create a design to represent your sports club or society!

For example – Surfer



During this lockdown our uea+sport team are delivering a range of different workshops for you to interact with, to keep both physically and mentally engaged over this period.

Wednesday 11th November – 13.00 – Flexibility Workshop – Please sign up using this link.

Friday 13th November – 15.00 – Wellbeing Workshop – Accessible through our @ueasport Instagram account live!

Wednesday 18th November – 13.00 – Nutrition Workshop – Please sign up using this link.

Wednesday 25th November – 13.00 – Flexibility Workshop – Please sign up using this link.

Friday 27th November – 15.00 – Wellbeing Workshop – Accessible through our @ueasport Instagram account live!

Wednesday 2nd December – 13.00 – Flexibility Workshop – Please sign up using this link.

Keep on Moving with UEA+Moves!

The UEA+Moves app allows both staff and students to record how active they are and connect with other individuals who also want to increase their physical activity levels. In addition, the app will allow users to exchange the points that they build up via steps walked, miles cycled or miles ran. The app is completely free of charge and all you need to do is download the ‘Moves +’ app from your devices App Store and sign up with your UEA email address and UEA User ID.

We have a range of new challenges updated regularly for you to interact with as an individual, with your friends and as a wider UEA community.

For more information on the app visit the UEA+Moves page.

uea+sport quizzes

To help keep our uea+sport community connected during lockdown 2.0, we are bringing back our uea+sport quizzes!

Wednesday 11th November – 6pm-7pm

Wednesday 25th November – 6pm-7pm

To enter please email your team name and team members to studentsport@uea.ac.uk and we will send your team the quiz call link to access on the day.

The wining team will claim a free PT session virtually or in person!


Movember Challenges

Although this year is different in many ways, we are of course still focused on raising awareness and funds towards the mental health charity Movember.

This year we have set our UEA target to raise £20,000, having raised just over £12,000 in 2019.

Ways to get involved?

1)      Get fundraising

Sign up to the Movember page – this is where you can physically raise money for the cause

As an individual

Visit this link https://uk.movember.com/register?prod_intent=grow&mocamp=G to set up your own profile on the Movember page and start raising money for the cause. You can do this in a number of ways – more details on the website above.

As a team

Once you have created an individual account you can join a team (see the left hand button in your ‘mo space’) so you can work together to raise money for Movember, for example as a club or society – this is a great way to see how much your specific team has raised for the cause.


Once you have set up a team you can then join the overall UEA challenge and see how much we are raising as a University. It also is there to create a little bit of friendly rivalry between teams (Men’s Rugby led the way last year). To join the UEA challenge click the arrow on the top tab of your mo space and then click on challenges – then search University of East Anglia and click to join this challenge. This is really important as it enables us to boost how much we raise as a University if everyone joins the challenge and hopefully achieve the £20,000 target.

2)      Get donating

For the 1st of November we are putting Movember charity donation options on the UEA+Moves App. There will be both £1 and £10 donation options for you to use.  This means you can build up points for how much physical activity your record via the app (steps, miles ran, miles cycled and distance swam) and then use these points to buy a donation under the rewards section of the app. To find out more about how to download and use UEA+Moves please click this link here

3)      Get nominating – 4km ,£4, 4 friends

In line with the successful summer campaign, run 5km, donate £5 and nominate 5 friends we would also like everyone to join in our campaign along a similar theme. Out of all suicides in the UK 3 out of 4 are Men. We would therefore like you to either run, cycle or walk 4km, donate £4 and nominate 4 friends. Even better, track the activity on the UEA+Moves app and build up your points so you can also donate the points to the Movember charity on the app.

4)      Get active – 1, £1,1

To help you showcase all your fantastic clubs and societies we want you to showcase all the wonderful activities that you do. Therefore, we want you all to get creative and get your club or society members to film themselves doing 1 minute of your activity and then post it on their social media account (tagging in the UEA Movember accounts – details below)– the more creative the better. The individual should then donate £1 to Movember and also pass the nomination on to 1 other student, hence the 1,£1,1.

5)      Get promoting

Please use the below hash tags in all the posts you and your members put out please and also tag the UEA Movember accounts (details below).

For more information on the charity, please website their website.