Women In Sport

Here at UEA Sport we are passionate about improving the support for our female athletes. Please see below what we've been up to in attempt to remove some of the barriers to Women in Sport.

Women In Sport

Here at UEA Sport we are passionate about improving the support for our female athletes. Please see below what we've been up to in attempt to remove some of the barriers to Women in Sport.


… coming soon!


This year we introduced ‘Being a Female Athlete’ to our series of Workshops. The workshop was open for anyone across the university that identifies as female, staff or student. We welcomed guest speaker Jane Hannah (Healthier Happier You), to educate us on the menstrual cycle and how it may impact us during our sport or physical activity. We concluded the workshop with an open forum, a safe space for our students to talk freely about their own experiences and any issues they have faced. We gained some really valuable feedback, some of which we were able to action (below), and from those who attended, we left feeling positive and empowered. Following its success, we will be keeping the Workshop in the series for the 24-25 academic year, and will be extending the session to coaching staff and practitioners.


For our 23-24 Women’s History Month Campaign, we asked some of our female identifying athletes a series of questions around their experiences in sport. We are really proud to be nominated as a part of the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Digital Engagement Award. See our video below.



This year we’ve had record attendance of our This Girl Can UV Zumba and Women’s Only Gym hours, held during Women’s History Month. We had 83 attendants to UV Zumba, which has almost doubled from 22-23, and 53 utilising the Women’s only hours in the functional studio. We also had around 15 clubs hold female focused taster sessions across the month.