uea+sport indoor team sports update
Following the government announcement yesterday, Sport England have now advised that adult indoor team sports*, from Thursday 24th September, are required adhere to the 'rule of six'. We appreciate that this is extremely disappointing news, however students, staff and customers are our priority and we continue to adapt to the guidelines provided, working with you to ensure that as much activity can happen under the guidelines. We are currently looking in to exploring options of outdoor activity. Until further notice, all indoor team sport will be postponed until further notice - to be clear, this means that NO taster sessions or trials can take place indoors from Thursday onwards unless they are in groups of six or less. We are hoping to receive more clarity regarding the announcement and from your NGB’s in reaction to the news in the coming days. If you have any questions regarding the above or if you would like to discuss anything further, please contact studentsport@uea.ac.uk. *we are classifying Netball, Korfball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Volleyball and Futsal as indoor team sports until further guidance dictates.

uea+sport indoor team sports update
Following the government announcement yesterday, Sport England have now advised that adult indoor team sports*, from Thursday 24th September, are required adhere to the 'rule of six'. We appreciate that this is extremely disappointing news, however students, staff and customers are our priority and we continue to adapt to the guidelines provided, working with you to ensure that as much activity can happen under the guidelines. We are currently looking in to exploring options of outdoor activity. Until further notice, all indoor team sport will be postponed until further notice - to be clear, this means that NO taster sessions or trials can take place indoors from Thursday onwards unless they are in groups of six or less. We are hoping to receive more clarity regarding the announcement and from your NGB’s in reaction to the news in the coming days. If you have any questions regarding the above or if you would like to discuss anything further, please contact studentsport@uea.ac.uk. *we are classifying Netball, Korfball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Volleyball and Futsal as indoor team sports until further guidance dictates.