Megan Warren

Meet Megan, an adult nursing student!

Megan Warren

Meet Megan, an adult nursing student!

What school are you in?

The School of Health Sciences

Why did you sign up to Moves?

To help motivate me to do more, it has encouraged me to go out on long walks and try to start running again.

What do you like about Moves?

I like that there are a variety of challenges on moves and that it links to my Fitbit so all the steps I do are counted. I also really like being able to redeem prizes and donate to charities.

Has Moves impacted your physical activity levels and how?

I have found that on weeks where I have online lectures I struggle to focus all day so I would go for a walk early morning and in my lunch break to give me a break from the screen. I would be doing upward of 15,000 steps a day so being able to sign up to challenges meant I’d make that walk a little bit longer to complete the challenges.

What do you like doing physical activity-wise?

I feel that Moves has helped increase my activity levels- I’d also like to start running again once I have finished my dissertation and I feel that moves will help to motivate me with this. I do however really enjoy long walks, especially in the hills- that’s something I look forward to getting back to when we’re able to travel again.

What are your favourite challenges on Moves?

My favourite challenges are the Step challenges. I’ve been taking part in one on a daily basis. When I’m on shift for placement I can do over 10,000 steps easily walking up and down the ward. So I tend to get my challenges done whilst I am working.