Gemma Emeton-Long

Meet Gemma Emeton-Long who is the Community Sport Development Assistant Coordinator at UEA Sportspark

Gemma Emeton-Long

Meet Gemma Emeton-Long who is the Community Sport Development Assistant Coordinator at UEA Sportspark

Why did you sign up for Moves?

I joined before the app went live to help with the beta testing!

What do you like about Moves?

I like it tracks what activity I do throughout the day and how it easily transfers the data.

Has Moves impacted your physical activity levels and how?

Yes, it has impacted what activity I do as I am always trying to beat the previous days recorded.

What do you like doing physical activity-wise?

My most common activity is walking. This ranges from walking around the Sportspark as part of my job, or getting out with the family.

What are your top tips for being physically active?

Try and do your physical activity with someone as it makes it easier to stay committed.

What rewards have your enjoyed claiming?

I love my Moves hoody and I am now working towards the zip up one.